Saturday, August 4, 2012

Inventory #6

Inventory #6
Monday, July 31
8:30 pm 95˚

In the dumpster
White plastic shelves
Black & white studded belt
Rock Band for XBox 360
Box of clothes and shoes
Desk lamp
Gnarly gray comforter
Empty box of Trojan Ecstasy condoms with fire & ice lubricant
Emergency Services documents for someone with kidney stones
Painkiller prescription receipts for ibuprofen, ondansetron, and oxycodone
Addiction handouts for person charged with OUI
CD's including -
Paradise Fears - Yours Truly
Panic at the Disco
All Time Low - Dirty Work
food garbage

On the ground near the dumpster
Two office chairs
One stool
Sunbeam breadmaker
X-mas decorations
Wedding cake bride & groom decoration
Ceramic duckling pot